Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

St Teresa’s College, Abergowrie has a strong pastoral care program based on the development of a Christian environment for students and to enable students to live with the residential community and to realise their potential in the academic life of the college. Each week prayers and reflections are held in the chapel before the start of classes. The College community also attends Mass once a week in the chapel.
Spiritual retreats are held each year and are regarded as very important, giving boys the time to reflect on their relationships with themselves, their neighbour and their God.
Through the vertical College House system, each boy belongs to one of four ‘Houses’. These are named after significant people in the College’s history. This system allows boys of all year levels interact with one another, thus learning important social skills. In addition, leadership and cooperation are fostered through the Houses.
As a College of many cultures, the College behavioural expectations are based upon peace and goodwill to all. The rules are designed to help us live and work together.
For this reason the College fosters values, such as: showing courtesy and respect to parents, all members of staff and the public. Values such as: honesty, acceptance of rules, hard work, taking responsibility for actions and displaying strength of character in adversity are also encouraged.

We Give Thanks...

“St Teresa's College would like to acknowledge the Warrgamay People, the Traditional Owners of this Country, who freely lived and hunted here as recently as the 1940's. We acknowledge the hospitality of the Warrgamay People, the hospitality of this land, and the reciprocal relationship the College enjoys with their current generations."

Oct 22

We are in week 4 of Term 4
There are 10 weeks in Term 4