CCTV Policy (Draft)

Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) Policy



We are committed to the promotion of a safe and secure environment for all of those within the College Community.


This policy addresses St Teresa’s College’s commitment in providing a safe and secure environment for the College community.



The primary aim of installing and using CCTV is to enhance the safety and security of the College Community, protect College property against destructive acts and help identify perpetrators of crimes and anti-social behaviour. In this, the College recognises the need to ensure a balance between the individual’s right to be free from invasion of privacy and the duty to promote a safe environment for all staff and students and the protection of property.



  1. CCTV is installed and used ethically within and across the College for the protection of the entire College community and property.
  2. The College will establish and implement a process for managing, securing, accessing and storing the recorded information:
  • All footage will be kept on a designated server. Footage will be kept for up to one month on this server.
  • Only the Principal, Deputy Principal and Assistant to the Principal – Pastoral Care have the authority to access or reproduce any recorded footage. This is only to occur in an event where College property has been stolen, damaged or vandalised, or the health or wellbeing of a college or community member has been harmed or put at risk.
  • Footage will not be shared with any individual or entity, except where compelled by law, QPS request or Townsville Catholic Education Office.
  • Appropriate warning signs will be placed throughout the College grounds and facilities to alert visitors that the College is under constant surveillance.
  1. The College will demonstrate compliance with privacy and legislative requirements.
  2. Personal information contained on the recordings shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law.
  3. CCTV is prohibited for use in:
  • monitoring of work performance of staff and students
  • toilets, shower and change rooms or staffrooms.
  • Residential bedrooms



  • CCTV – Closed Circuit Television
  • Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC) “Workplace Surveillance” PowerPoint, 2017


We Give Thanks...

“St Teresa's College would like to acknowledge the Warrgamay People, the Traditional Owners of this Country, who freely lived and hunted here as recently as the 1940's. We acknowledge the hospitality of the Warrgamay People, the hospitality of this land, and the reciprocal relationship the College enjoys with their current generations."

Feb 09

We are in week 2 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1